Mas Candi Corpinnat Brut Nature (formerly known as Cava)

Fresh, crisp and cracking bang for buck, this is bubbly from the Iberian Peninsula made with a real commitment to quality. Cava is an interesting alternative to traditional method bubbly like French Champagne, and made with native varieties like Xarel-lo, which bring unique flavours and appeal. Corpinnat is a relatively new, next level category of Spanish bubbles, made according to much higher standards than your average Cava (though you wouldn’t know it from the price tag).

The four people behind Mas Candi–Ramon, Mercè, Toni, and Ana, are together and also in their own right as deeply respected growers in the Penedes region of Catalunya, helping to slowly change the way the world considers Spanish sparkling wine. They were some of the first in their region to choose to shift their farming practices to a more natural, chemical-free approach, and also to make the choice to no longer sell their fruit to the giant Cava-producing houses, focusing instead on making their own wines at a higher quality level and with much more character–similar to the Grower Champagne movement in France. 

Along with 8 other wine producers, Mas Candi have decided to rename their sparkling wine “Corpinnat,” which helps distinguish it from the sea of Cava made across Spain. To use the name “Corpinnat” the wine must be made at much higher standards both in the vineyard and in the cellar., with an emphasis on creating the lightest environmental footprint possible. The wine must be made only from indigenous varieties, the grapes must be picked by hand, and the bubbles must be created through the traditional method of second fermentation in each individual bottle (the same way Champagne is made). 

This Brut Nature (which means there’s no added sweetness to this wine) is the flagship sparkling wine from Mas Candi. Made from the regionally and cutlurally important varieties Xarel-lo, Macabeu, Perellada and Sumoll, it was aged on the lees for 32 months, which gives it a lovely and approachable softness to balance with crisp, pithy, salted citrus elements. 






About This Wine

Calcerous clay soils
Cork and cage
Good quality bubbly like this pairs well with everything